Parking Management

Smart parking
made easy

Cloud ANPR for Profitable Parking Management -
Effortless Operations, Enhanced Revenue Streams

Efficient Parking Management with ANPR Cloud. Carmen Cloud ANPR empowers parking management operators to optimize efficiency and enhance revenue streams. Seamlessly process vehicle data, optimizing parking operations for users. Maximize space utilization, reduce congestion, and foster a hassle-free parking environment.

Enhanced parking experience
& revenue with ANPR technology

Parking Efficiency

Real-time license plate recognition streamlines entry and exit processes, reducing wait times and minimizing traffic congestion. Optimize space utilization, maximize parking capacity while ensuring a smooth parking experience.


Boost revenue with accurate billing and automated enforcement and reduce revenue leakage. Optimize pricing strategies and revenue streams in real-time and maximize the financial potential of your parking space


Enhance facility security with real-time vehicle identification. Provide a seamless and secure parking experience, boosting customer satisfaction and deter unauthorized access.


Effortless entry and enhanced comfort

Discover how Shed Co-Living modernized the parking experience for their residents and short-term visitors. 

The seamlessly integrated software connected to the surveillance cameras performs a crucial function by meticulously recording the number of vehicles present on-site and accurately calculating their parking duration al the while saving customers time and money.

Seamless entry
& exit solutions

With Carmen Cloud ANPR, parking management providers deliver a hassle-free parking experience, enticing more visitors and fostering loyalty

space utilization

Make data-driven decisions with Carmen Cloud ANPR, ensuring
every inch of your parking facility contributes to revenue growth.

revenue generation

Carmen Cloud ANPR secures your revenue streams, minimizing
revenue leakage and optimizing financial performance.

Enhanced security
and monitoring

Carmen Cloud ANPR helps you prioritize safety and establish a
secure environment that visitors can trust.

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